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Psicóloga e coautora de obra sobre violência doméstica explica mais sobre o assunto



Cristine Lima dos Santos, que assina um dos capítulos do livro sobre violência doméstica, faz um bate-papo exclusivo falando sobre como as mulheres devem lidar com a situação em casa e até no trabalho

Atuante na Psicologia há quase 30 anos, a psicóloga Cristine Lima dos Santos sentiu que também é hora de colocar em livros a sua experiência profissional.

Então, além de ser coautora da obra “Mulheres Invisíveis”, lançado nesse ano sobre violência contra a mulher, ela agora encara a coordenação editorial de mais um livro: “Como cuidar da Ansiedade”, com previsão de lançamento para 2022.

Mas falando nas altas taxas de violência sofrida por mulheres, com os casos praticamente dobrando os números durante a pandemia, nós conversamos exclusivamente com a coautora.

E nesse bate-papo ela explica mais sobre como detectar um agressor, o que leva mulheres a se submeterem a situações assim, como proceder diante desses casos e muito mais.


Quais os sinais “clássicos” de que uma relação é abusiva?

Cristine Lima dos Santos – Entenda a relação abusiva de uma forma mais ampla, porque não é somente a  violência física ou sexual que lhe dá essa conotação, ela pode se apresentar de maneira mais sutil.

Geralmente, o agressor inicia com o lado psicológico, já que primeiro ocorre a sedução, a conquista para que a pessoa se encante, se apaixone.

Após perceber o envolvimento e a dependência emocional, o abusador começa a atacar com questões que parecem comuns nas relações, como controle de horários (“Onde vai?”, “Por que demorou?”), ciúmes frequentes e sem motivo (criar situações inexistentes) , afastamento dos amigos e parentes (isolamento social, evita contato e quando acontece, sempre ocorre briga por motivos inexistentes), invasão de privacidade (como do celular, redes sociais, conta bancária), manipulação ( para o outro  fazer o que o abusador quer), chantagem emocional (se coloca no papel de vítima para alcançar o que deseja ou envolve os filhos, responsabilizando o outro pelas  reações agressivas), controle na liberdade (de ir e vir ou nas vestimentas), abuso patrimonial (gastos excessivos, falência, dependência econômica), sexual (estupro, fica muito irritado ou ainda ameaça com traição), críticas destrutivas (invalidação dos sentimentos, da pessoa, ignorando, rebaixando sua autoestima, ridicularizando suas opiniões e gostos).

“Geralmente, o agressor inicia com o lado psicológico, já que primeiro ocorre a sedução, a conquista para que a pessoa se encante, se apaixone”.

E quando ela passa a ser uma violência doméstica, o que pode ser apontado como esses sinais?

Cristine – De forma geral, os itens apontados acima são considerados violência doméstica, entretanto, a diferença é a forma, pois inicia-se com atitudes mais sutis.

Então, essas vão se avançando conforme o companheiro percebe que a reação do outro é de recuo, notando o medo e a submissão, dando mais segurança e poder para o outro.

Quando o agressor está “empoderado”, começa a se utilizar de posturas mais agressivas para conseguir o que deseja e fazer com que a submissão se torne  total.

Toda violência doméstica um dia foi uma relação abusiva ou não necessariamente?

Cristine – Um companheiro não se torna agressivo ou abusivo de um dia para o outro.

Com certeza ele já possuía esse perfil, só não se manifestava pois o aspecto inicial é sempre o do sedutor, tanto é que apesar de usar de violência, agressão ou de manipulações,  a companheira ainda  permanece na relação justamente pelo lado sedutor.

Isso porque quando percebe que existe a ameaça de evasão ou uma atitude negativa extrema da companheira, ele recorre à sedução com desculpas, flores, mimos entre outros,  conhecido como “Círculo da Violência”.

Além disso, o opressor leva o abusado a acreditar que esse tipo de relação é o melhor que pode conquistar.

No caso do ambiente de trabalho, o que a mulher pode levar em consideração para saber que está em um ambiente machista, tóxico e recorrer aos seus superiores?

Cristine –  Vamos pensar que a empresa tem uma filosofia e se existem funcionários com o perfil machista, a empresa passa a ser conivente com este tipo de postura.

Podemos concluir que a mulher que está passando por assédio não poderá contar muito com seus superiores para impedir ou eliminar esta problemática, porém, não se deve calar diante das atitudes abusivas.

No mundo corporativo e, dependendo do nível da empresa, os relacionamentos tóxicos podem ser mais sutis por conta das habilidades mais refinadas, por isso, sempre comece exercitando a observação, porque os comportamentos se repetem.

Perceba se ocorre hostilidade, o ignorar da presença, excluir de reuniões, abuso de poder, repressão, conduta manipuladora, ameaças, sentir-se sempre em alerta por se sentir ameaçada,  ter autonomia limitada, palavras ou atitudes agressivas e pressão em demasia são alguns exemplos.

Temos algumas mais grosseiras, como orientar um trabalho de forma errônea ou sem explicação  para prejudicar,  atribuir erros imaginários, proibir colegas de falar ou  estar na companhia dele, retirar instrumentos de trabalho, exigir horários injustificados, fazer brincadeiras ou críticas de mau gosto, perseguições da chefia etc.

Essas ameaças podem atingir de modo físico, emocional ou psicológico, levando a  pessoa ao declínio de sua produtividade, depressão, ansiedade crônica ou doenças físicas.

“Em um nível corporativo, procure inicialmente juntar provas como e-mails, salve conversas, grave falas abusivas, procure o RH da empresa,  o seu superior e, por fim, se achar necessário, faça uma denúncia ao Ministério Público ou Sindicato”.

Muitas mulheres, tanto no ambiente de trabalho, como em casa, ainda se aceitam em situações de assédio moral, sexual etc. Por quê?

Cristine – Hoje há vários caminhos onde a mulher pode ser amparada e ajudada, seja na empresa ou no relacionamento conjugal.

Em um nível corporativo, procure inicialmente juntar provas como e-mails, salve conversas, grave falas abusivas, procure o RH da empresa,  o seu superior e, por fim, se achar necessário, faça uma denúncia ao Ministério Público ou Sindicato.

Quando falamos no relacionamento íntimo, o ponta pé inicial é saber que você não está sozinha!

Existem alguns órgãos da Prefeitura que oferecem serviços de proteção à mulher que sofrem de violência e  são sigilosos.

Alguns deles são os CRAS (Centros de Referência da Assistência Social), CREAS (Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social) e SMADS (Secretaria Municipal de Assistência e Desenvolvimento Social).

O  Centro de Defesa  e de Convivência  da Mulher (CDCM) oferece proteção e apoio, a rede  socio-assistencial,  15 unidades  com mais de mil vagas, proporcionando  atendimento social, orientação psicológica e encaminhamento jurídico.

Qual o principal ou “empurrão” que a mulher deve dar para sair dessa situação? E como as pessoas podem ajudar (se isso for possível), caso ela não queira se ajudar por algum motivo?

Cristine – Agora, você, que tem uma amiga, colega, vizinha, parente e percebe que essas dinâmicas estão acontecendo ao seu lado, ajude!

Oriente, converse, dê uma leitura e elucide, pois geralmente a pessoa não percebe por que está muito envolvida nisso tudo e também bastante fragilizada, acreditando que é a única culpada por receber esse tipo de abuso.

Você sabia que o assédio ou o abuso são crimes no Brasil? Sim, desde 2001 e podem gerar até dois anos de prisão para o praticante! Ligue 180 para denunciar vítimas de violência doméstica.


Cristine Lima dos Santos é psicóloga clínica e hospitalar, além de diretora da Clínica Eubiose Integração Em Saúde.

Também é coautora e coordenadora editorial do livro “Como cuidar da Ansiedade”, que está em fase de captação de coautores e deve ser lançado em 2022.

Saiba mais: @cristine.psicologia – (11) 99710-0663

** Este texto não necessariamente reflete, a opinião deste portal de noticias

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5 Easy Factual Statements About Stitch Stuff Described



Lilo adopts 626, who is impersonating a canine, and names him “Stitch”. That night time, Stitch causes chaos on the restaurant where Nani works whereas attempting to avoid seize from Jumba and Pleakley. The news of Nani’s firing reaches Bubbles, who visits her the next day, repeats his earlier warning, tells her to find a new job, and orders Lilo to teach Stitch to be a “mannequin citizen”. When I first noticed “Lilo & Stitch” as a child, I might determine with Lilo as a outcome of I was additionally a loner who most popular to hearken to oldies music than any of the popular boy bands or pop princesses on the time. Deviating from the norm is often seen as a bad thing, especially if you’re younger.

Stitch Stuff And Beyond

After this initial interval, and discounting a stretch of time dedicated to fixing a second act that the crew noticed as being aimless, there have been few major story changes to be found. The tall, skinny, and altogether unimposing social worker character Mr. Kalikini was changed to the intense, stocky, deep-voiced Cobra Bubbles in order to add more conflict to his dynamic with Lilo. Unlike other animated movies on the time, Lilo & Stitch included little CGI, as a substitute employing watercolor methods for backgrounds that hadn’t been used at the studio since 1941’s Dumbo. Part of it stemmed from the truth that Sanders knew his character designs would not work in CGI, especially when it came to the human characters. The choice to harken again to the watercolors — done to enhance Sanders’ fashion and emulate a children’s storybook really feel — raised some eyebrows, considering the approach had basically been lifeless for 60 years. Sanders recalls the California animators snidely remarking earlier than production that if the less-experienced Florida animators got caught, the senior animators wouldn’t have the power to assist them.

What Every one Ought To Know About Stitch Stuff

Born and raised in Kaua’i, Hawai’i, the NCIS guest star can be a songwriter, having released her first track, “Welcome to Hollywood,” beneath her artist name, Jayne Doe, in 2022. She is also the sister of Star Falls and No Good Nick actress Siena Agudong. The story is emotionally investing, with serious conflicts that aren’t watered down, but are offered in a means that kids can understand well enough, and are available to understand better over time, as I have. Looking at motion pictures that I’ve grown up with from a extra important perspective has given me some nice surprises at simply how sensible they are often. They have their issues, as all films do, but it’s good once I discover that I have much more good things than dangerous to say about them. Lilo gave Jumba a document with Elvis Presley’s cover of the track, and he performed it whereas creating Leroy, making it a fail-safe for the experiment.

The Facts About Stitch Stuff

The Stitch character on the video screen could interact with visitors, using the identical know-how as in Turtle Talk with Crush. He also appeared throughout ʻohana breakfast times with Lilo, Mickey, and Pluto in Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort till 2020 when it was closed to be Moana-themed for the summer time of 2021. So it is unknown if he’ll return for character dining appearances. This attraction later became a meet-and-greet space where guests can have photographs with him until the signage was dropped. Stitch is also a meetable character at PCH Grill positioned in Paradise Pier Hotel. He only seems in the course of the Mickey and Friends character breakfast with Lilo and many other characters.

The Unexposed Secret of Stitch Stuff

Is the final entry within the Lilo and Stitch timeline, taking into all of the tales this makes for a candy ending. Much like the track “Aloha ‘Oe” within the first film expressed lyrically, the series signifies that irrespective of how far aside they are Lilo and Stitch have a family bond that can at all times convey them again to at least one another. Even as they begin new chapters in their lives, it’s only a matter of time till they meet once more.

New Step-by-step Map For Stitch Stuff

He has a limited ability to alter his bodily appearance, only capable of retract his second set of arms, his antennae, and the three spines on his back into his physique. There is a common false impression from viewers that Lilo relies on Stitch for cover and help; if something, it’s Stitch who’s extra depending on Lilo. Despite her having her own troubles to contend with, Lilo makes each effort to help Stitch in life and, because the story progresses, he turns into more self-conscious and able to making the proper decisions. By the top of the series, Stitch has associates, household, family members, and a objective worth believing in.

Even though it’s an alien journey, it takes place on a small island in Hawaii, and the wacky space hijinks are juxtaposed with a poignant family plot about two sisters who would possibly get separated by social services. The film deals with grief, of being an outsider, of discovering family in the most sudden locations and mending current relationships. And Elvis is an enormous plot level and one of many aliens believes that the Earth is under safety because disney cute stitch mosquitos are an endangered species, as a end result of a CIA agent, who is now a social employee, lied to him. Arriving shortly before Disney’s massive blockbuster of 2002, Treasure Island, one could think about Lilo & Stitch landing on a dusty VHS shelf as an animated cult movie. A self-proclaimed nerd and lover of Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire, Alexandra Ramos is a Content Producer at CinemaBlend. She first started off working in December 2020 as a Freelance Writer after graduating from the Pennsylvania State University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in English.

Some Great Benefits Of Stitch Stuff

Caleb began his movie and television information reporting career during highschool in 2008 by creating Superhero Movie News and part-time writing on Eventually, he began Omega Underground with Christopher Marc in 2015. Breaking some major information tales throughout the trade and gaining recognition as a good film reporter on social media. Caleb finally offered Omega Underground and all its property to Geeks World Wide, LLC in 2018 and became a employees author for them for a couple of 12 months.

What You Do not Find Out About Stitch Stuff Could Possibly Be Charging To Significantly More Than You Think

The actors voicing the movie’s younger adults Nani and David, Tia Carrere, a native of Honolulu, and Jason Scott Lee, who was raised in Hawaii, assisted with rewriting the Hawaiian characters’ dialogue in the proper colloquial dialect and including Hawaiian slang. What qualities did he have that made him the perfect choice for “Lilo & Stitch”? The filmmakers explained in a 2009 interview with Animated Views. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Carrere, who voiced Lilo’s older sister and guardian in the authentic movie, will play a new character within the remake. A small part of the recognition of Lilo & Stitch was because of the cute aliens; a bigger half was due to the artistic advertising effort. The total success of the film, nonetheless, was largely because of the directors’ capability to create the film as they saw match while working inside the constraints of the Disney system.

Get The Scoop on Stitch Stuff Before You are Too Late

Based on the 2002 animated film of the same name, the live-action project will follow the titular young girl as she and her older sister’s lives are thrown into further disarray with the arrival of the eponymous dog-like alien. Helmed by Marcel the Shell with Shoes On’s Dean Fleischer Camp, the movie features both new and returning stars, including Chris Sanders as Stitch, Maia Kealoha as Lilo, Sydney Agudong, Billy Magnussen and Zach Galifianakis. One of the few Disney animated movies not based mostly on preexisting materials, the unique Lilo & Stitch was released in 2002 and revolves across the friendship between a younger Hawaiian woman and the damaging extraterrestrial creature she adopts. The success of the first Lilo & Stitch spawned three direct-to-video sequels and three TV sequence, together with an anime, plus a Lilo & Stitch manga set in feudal Japan. The live-action Lilo & Stitch remake will bring again the brilliant thing about its setting as nicely as Lilo and Stitch’s iconic friendship and the franchise’s brand of family-friendly humor. When news dropped that the live-action team was casting a social employee named Mrs. Kekoa, fans jumped to the conclusion that Cobra Bubbles — a former CIA agent who serves as Lilo’s social employee in the animated movie — was written out of the live-action adaptation.

The Lilo & Stitch live-action remake is a reinterpretation of Disney’s animated classic of the identical name, and the project continues to offer updates on the movie’s casting, plot, and more. Blending CGI with live-action footage, Disney has produced many profitable live-action remakes, similar to Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Cinderella​​​​​​, and The Jungle Book, and it appears likely the studio will eventually get by way of all of its animated features. In a deviation from a number of decades’ price of Disney options, Sanders and DeBlois selected to use watercolor painted backgrounds for Lilo & Stitch, versus the standard gouache technique. Sanders preferred that watercolors be used for Lilo to evoke both the brilliant look of a storybook and the art direction of Dumbo, requiring the background artists to be skilled in working with the medium. In March 2008, Disney introduced an anime based mostly on the Lilo & Stitch franchise aimed on the Japanese market titled Stitch!. The anime, which ran as a sequence from October 2008 to March 2011, contains a Japanese lady named Yuna Kamihara instead of Lilo, and is about on a fictional island in Okinawa Prefecture as a substitute of Hawaii.

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Analysis Coleman Hot Tubs



If you’re looking for a approach to cool off and have some enjoyable this summer, an above floor pool or inflatable hot tub may be simply what you want. These merchandise supply a convenient and affordable approach to enjoy the water with out the hassle of a full-size pool. With so many choices to contemplate, discovering the most effective inflatable scorching tubs could be a tad…well, overwhelming. To assist streamline your search, we’re breaking down the varied forms of sizzling tubs to consider. That method, you’ll find a way to know exactly what you’re on the lookout for during the shopping for course of.

The Combat Coleman Hot Tubs

This square-shaped inflatable hot tub accommodates as much as 6 folks, providing a spacious and social setting. The 114 soothing AirJets provide a complete massage experience, catering to the relaxation wants of every person. The vibrant orange shade provides a touch of fashion to your outside area, and the included cover ensures power efficiency and heat retention.

Things You Can Do With Coleman Hot Tubs

Your calcium hardness level may be too low, the pH may be too high, or people might have been using the spa with swimsuits on that include residual laundry detergent. Check the calcium and pH, clean the filter and rinse all swimsuits in plain water (chlorine will kill any micro organism on swimsuits). Depending in your scorching tub size and utilization, the granular chlorine is what you’re going to use essentially the most of and will last roughly 1-2 months. Depending in your water supply, the Softcare Gon (metal & scale remover) should last about two months.

  • Its sq. design presents ample legroom, while the energy-efficient heating system keeps prices manageable.
  • Once your new sizzling tub has arrived, make sure to learn the manufacturer’s directions, which will clarify every little thing you have to know to deal with your tub.
  • If an inflatable sizzling tub conjures pictures of a kiddie pool within the sun, suppose once more.
  • Keep in thoughts that a full hot tub is heavy, so make sure that the ground can help its weight.
  • We could earn income from the products obtainable on this web page and participate in affiliate applications.
  • It options an adjustable heating system that permits you to adjust the temperature of the water to your preferred level, as much as a hot 104 levels Fahrenheit.

Dirty Details About Coleman Hot Tubs Unveiled

Bullfrog Spas presents a few spas that can be specially ordered as 120V fashions, making them a fantastic choice for users who are unable to have an electrician run a 240V panel to run their spa. Again, depending on your priorities, this could presumably be an excellent choice for affordability. Once you get to the higher-quality models, remember to examine them to non-inflatable plug-and-play choices.

Coleman Hot Tub…A Good Present For Friends

It deflates shortly if you ever want to make space, and it has two handles, which make it easy to maneuver. This inflatable sizzling tub proves you can have a relaxing soak with the power of jets but with out the excessive worth of a normal mannequin. Some forms of sizzling tubs feature computerized circulation to maintain the water passing via the filters, but others don’t, meaning you’ll have to refresh the water yourself a couple of occasions a day. And in case your hot tub is produced from plastic or acrylic, you may need to wipe down the shell often to do away with particles and forestall scum from building up. Inflatable sizzling tubs require much less upkeep, though they won’t last so lengthy as different varieties.

Impartial Article Shows 5 New Things About Coleman Hot Tubs That No body Is Talking About

“One of the most important advantages of a scorching tub is its year-round utilization,” explains Rash. But if you’re seeking to rating a great deal, you’ll probably get fortunate buying for a sizzling tub within the fall and winter when the subsequent year’s fashions turn into out there. You can also maintain an eye fixed out for warm tubs on sale throughout vacation weekends. According to Rash, “high-quality hot tubs can last nicely over 20 years.” Make positive to stick to an everyday maintenance schedule to ensure your scorching tub has an extended, healthy life ahead of it. All of those tasks may seem like a chore, but they’re well value the time spent to keep your sizzling tub in good shape.

  • Being easy on the pockets and a conveyable option, we think they’re a unbelievable way to convey the luxury of a hot tub to your backyard.
  • If you’re using the same cooler to maintain your chili sizzling, it’s ultimately going to get cold, no matter what you do to reheat it, because the air insulation can solely accomplish that a lot.
  • The Coleman SaluSpa Inflatable Hot Tub is understood for its sturdiness, heat retention and attractive price.
  • When it’s not crammed, the handles allow you to simply transfer the recent tub around your property.
  • Installing the normal hard-sided sizzling tub is not your only choice anymore.
  • Each scorching tub was rated on setup, design, maintenance, features, and worth.
  • We ought to notice that in some states, you may have to purchase an energy-efficient cover together with the hot tub to make sure will most likely be shipped out and the order won’t be canceled.

Forget Carrying This Out together with your Coleman Hot Tub, Do This

The tub heats up shortly and has a foil coating on the underside of the duvet to retain heat between makes use of. The tub’s square shape additionally makes it a superb option for these with limited space, as it might possibly match into tight indoor and outside areas. We’ve rounded up the best inflatable sizzling tubs you could at present buy. While we endeavor to evaluate each product that we highlight, a few of the reviews for this guide are still in progress. However, any unreviewed products will sum up the key specs, options, and consumer reviews that will assist you make the most effective determination for you and your household.

Many inflatable scorching tubs were thought-about before we narrowed down the list to our 5 prime picks. We analyzed each product’s capacity, shape, measurement, ease of use, additional features and more earlier than determining which inflatable hot tubs should make the list. Jets and water temperature had been also vital, as we wished fashions that make you’re feeling like you’re in a spa. So, each of these fashions has at least 50 jets and reaches a maximum temperature of 104 degrees.

Do We Need Coleman Hot Tub Given That We Have?

If you just need a primary hot tub so you presumably can chill outdoors with family and friends, you might not essentially care about high-tech features. If you’re actually trying to treat your self, though, do slightly analysis earlier than buying and see what particular upgrades you’ll find. Cal Spas products are designed and tested to rigorous quality requirements and are recognized by third celebration organizations worldwide for quality and innovation.

It matches 2-4 folks, making it a lot simpler to arrange, deflate, and preserve all 12 months long. And you possibly can theoretically use it year-round, because of the new tub’s Freeze Shield Technology. Imagine it now – getting into this sizzling tub’s 104-degree water and having fun with a bubbly, stress-free expertise – with the information that the spa will take a lot much less work to maintain. When you purchase one thing like a scorching tub, you generally find out that setup or maintenance is far more than you bargained for.

Top Guide Of Coleman Hot Tubs

Why go out when you can get pleasure from a spa-like experience in the consolation of your individual home? The finest inflatable sizzling tubs are a should to recreate a spa’s stress-free but energising experience. The good thing about an inflatable hot tub is that its moveable nature permits you to pack it alongside along with your suitcase when you go on vacation. Heating and filtration is another space the place inflatable scorching tubs fall brief.

Make certain to check the specs of your inflatable sizzling tub to ensure it’s compatible with the temperature in your area. Even if you’re willing to put cash into the price of a regular tub, an inflatable scorching tub could additionally be worth it to you if you’re looking for one thing that you could take down or transfer if want by. You’ll also must know tips on how to clear and keep an inflatable hot tub and What sort of hot tub should I buy?

Certified personal trainer and professional product tester Lindsay Scheele used it at out Springfield, MO headquarters and agrees it’s good for beginners. “If you may be on a finances and half to have a chilly tub, get this one,” she says, rating the value a four out of 5. The Viking has a 95-gallon water capability and can accommodate folks over 6 toes tall. The vertical tub has 2-inch insulation and a heavy, insulated lid to maintain the temperature regulated whereas not in use.

The management panel also controls the air jets that encompass the bottom fringe of the hot tub. However, when you’re sitting on the bottom, those air jets gently therapeutic massage the decrease again. It’s advertised as holding four to six people, however in apply, it suits 4 average-sized adults comfortably. The Coleman’s construction contains interior wall helps, making the edges sturdy enough to sit on. The AirJet bubbles are released from the bottom of the spa to create a heat, effervescent scorching tub surroundings.

This could result in increased energy expenses for you, especially in colder weather. While this mannequin makes use of the same material as others on the list, the partitions are thinner and designed to be more inflexible and sturdy, resembling a hard-sided tub. As a result, you get the look and feel of a standard spa with out the additional expense. Going back in time slightly, no less than in my reminiscence, I can recall that only one person in my high school had a hot tub. It was a salt water hot tub attached to a salt water pool, and its very existence resulted in the most memorable (and forgettable) parties of these highschool days. When you’re not soaking in the hot tub, hold the quilt on to hold in the heat, conserve energy and protect from particles.

** Este texto não necessariamente reflete, a opinião deste portal de noticias

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Marketing nas Olimpíadas 2024: estudo revela padrões de investimento em mídia pelas principais marcas



(Foto: Reprodução/ Instagram/@jogosolimpicos)

As Olimpíadas de Paris, que terão início nesta sexta-feira (26), serão um cenário não apenas de disputas pelas medalhas. Estará em jogo também a assertividade das estratégias de marketing das marcas que estão patrocinando o evento, as equipes e as transmissões. Segundo um estudo realizado pela agência Macfor, a tendência que se verifica nos Jogos de 2024 é que as marcas de produtos de consumo rápido concentram mais investimentos em mídia tradicional, enquanto o on-line leva a maior parte da publicidade de marcas mais nichadas ou focadas no público mais jovem. A disputa pelo consumidor será,  portanto, bastante acirrada.


Conforme aponta o estudo intitulado “Marketing das Olímpiadas mais midiáticas da história”,  um dos principais motivos para que profissionais da área acompanhem atentamente as experiências que serão testadas no evento é o volume recorde de verbas publicitárias. Serão os Jogos Olímpicos com o maior número de patrocinadores e também o maior na diversidade de canais de transmissão, com elevada importância do streaming. O fato de acontecer logo depois de duas grandes competições esportivas, como a Eurocopa e Copa América, também cria uma “perfect storm” para a experimentação na comunicação das marcas.


A Macfor, por meio da coleta de dados públicos das principais plataformas de busca e redes sociais (Google, Bing, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram e LinkedIn) e um aprofundado processo de social listening, vem monitorando o comportamento dos consumidores com relação aos Jogos Olímpicos pelo menos desde o fim do ano passado. Foi nesse período que o Comitê Olímpico Brasileiro (COB) anunciou seus patrocinadores oficiais. Em seguida, já se verificou um aumento no número de buscas pelos seus nomes.


Foram empresas que investiram alto em campanhas on-line, com o propósito de atingir públicos específicos, mas com o apelo emocional do esporte. Um exemplo foi a Riachuelo, que desenvolveu uma estratégia englobando diversas plataformas digitais. Em seu canal do YouTube, exibe filmes sobre a produção dos uniformes e nas redes sociais mantém anúncios pagos com foco também na roupa dos atletas a fim de gerar engajamento.


Segundo o monitoramento da Macfor, a Riachuelo obteve 90% de comentários positivos. Mas outras marcas de moda patrocinadoras, como Mormaii e Havaianas, também brilharam nas suas campanhas e conseguiram bom engajamento, com índices de 80% e 75% respectivamente.


Outra estratégia que está em alta nos Jogos é o do patrocínio a canais de streaming esportivos, como a CazéTV, que já alcançou 65 milhões no YouTube. Seus anunciantes, como Airbnb, Corona, Vivo e Volkswagen, obtiveram aumento nas buscas na internet e implementaram campanhas paralelas com o tema das Olimpíadas, incentivando ações dos consumidores e aproveitando o conteúdo gerado pelas pessoas. Muitos viralizaram.


Mas enquanto os patrocinadores que usam o on-line apostam na ultrassegmentação, no engajamento e num custo por impressões baixo, os anunciantes da mídia tradicional jogam num campo oposto. De acordo com o estudo da Macfor, a aposta na TV aberta tradicional não perdeu vez, mas alcançou maior sucesso com produtos de consumo rápido ou até impulsivo, voltados para públicos muito amplos, o que justificam um custo mais alto por audiência.


Ambev, Claro, Netshoes, Nivea e Piracanjuba decidiram patrocinar a cobertura da TV Globo, confirmando o padrão de que as marcas com público mais amplo preferem a mídia tradicional. Elas, inclusive, enquadram-se melhor ao tom de voz  mais formal da emissora, o que transmite mais credibilidade a elas.


Apesar dessa divisão, a estratégia das empresas não pode ficar muito restrita e deve buscar também a interatividade com o público por meio da comunicação em diversos canais. “Uma abordagem omnichannel pode oferecer o melhor dos dois mundos: o alcance e a visibilidade da TV e o engajamento e segmentação do digital”, conclui Fabricio Macias, co-CEO da Macfor.


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