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Pay For a Paper and Improve Your Grades



You might consider purchasing a piece of paper if you have a short time. Perhaps you are having trouble coming up with concepts, or finding time to conduct research. If you’re a busy student or have trouble making writing assignments, then you can profit from this assistance. It’s ethical as well as legal. These are just a few reasons why you should consider buying writing. You’ll be happy and will see your grades improve.

It alleviates fatigue when writing.

Writing is a demanding work that can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety. Consuming plenty of water throughout the day is essential for writers since it can help ease the symptoms of writer’s fatigue. Insufficient water intake can trigger anxiety, fatigue and mood shifts. Drinking water can encourage you to get off your PC. The fatigue of writing can be relieved by paying for paper. This can help you focus better. There are many other methods to beat writer’s blocks.

It’s legal

Ghost-writing can’t be achieved by paying for papers. While it is a violation of academic integrity, it is not a crime. Plagiarism may lead to legal action for military academy. What’s wrong with paying for papers to be printed? These are just a few of the motives. In the first place, it’s infuriating to others students. You are cheating them out of the grade you earned based on your own efforts. It is a different option to get an advantage over the other students.

It is ethical

Are paper costs acceptable? If yes, then why shouldn’t students be able to avoid it? For one thing, they’re blatantly lying to their professors through the payment of a term paper. However, some students get a good grade upon their hard work. They have a significant advantage over the previous. The latter may be less able to reach the same academic standards that their counterparts.

This isn’t a breach of academic integrity

Students who have submitted plagiarized work in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign should be aware school’s Honor Code, which prohibits cheating and plagiarism during exams. Students are not allowed to submit the same papers for credit in two subjects. In addition, the Honor Pledge also prohibits the fraud of signatures. Should a student not accept the Honor Pledge it’s not considered to be an offense against academic integrity. The student should inform the teacher of the reason for refusal to sign the pledge. But, this won’t alter their score. In addition, the submission requires an electronic signature. plagiarism is a serious issue.

If they believe they have sufficient evidence to support the accusation, they may claim or accuse a pupil for cheating in a situation which involves plagiarism. The faculty member should provide the evidence. In order to determine whether the student is in breach of academic integrity, the academic integrity committee employs a Preponderance of the Evidence test. In general, plagiarism is doing something that is not with their permission, and allowing the student to use it. It can also mean using unapproved material during a test, such as books, formula lists, crib sheet or any data that can be accessed using an electronic calculator or other device, and allowing them to access it.

Within ten days of receiving a request for an investigation the case, the Academic Integrity Committee will meet. The panel should consider the case and issue an official decision. The Dean must provide evidence from earlier meetings as with documents that explain the circumstances. A student or an instructor may be able to present their argument during the session. The panel is expected to issue an unwritten decision within 10 days. The panel’s decision will be included in the file of each student.

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Adv Daniel Romano esclarece as responsabilidades das creches com os pets



O especialista Daniel Romano fala sobre os animais que ficam sob seus cuidados desses estabelecimentos

Atualmente, muitas pessoas, e até mesmo casais, tem dedicado seu amor à animais de estimação, sendo que muitos casais, às vezes, têm mais pets do que filhos. Chegando a época das festas, onde boa parte da população viaja e não tem como levar seu pet ou com quem deixá-lo, os tutores optam por uma creche ou hotelzinho. Mas e se acontecer algo com seu pet? Se ele for atacado por outros cães, fugir, ou até mesmo falecer?

O advogado Daniel Romano Hajaj, especialista em Direito do Consumidor, esclarece que “o estabelecimento, enquanto o pet estiver sob seus cuidados, deve zelar pelo seu bem estar e integridade”.

“Sabemos que os animais, ainda que domesticados, tem um lado de instinto muito forte, e um entrevero entre eles sempre é possível, e por essa razão, os pets devem ser monitorados durante todo o período de sua estadia”, ressalta o advogado Daniel Romano Hajaj.

A situação vale, ainda, para casos em que o pet fuja ou até mesmo venha a óbito, afirma o advogado Daniel Romano Hajaj.

“Qualquer estabelecimento comercial tem responsabilidade objetiva por danos causados em seu interior, ou seja, não há necessidade de comprovar se culpa, quando há negligência, imperícia ou imprudência, ou dolo, quando há ação ou omissão efetiva do causador do dano para que o resultado, prejuízo seja alcançado”, ressalta o advogado Daniel Romano Hajaj.

Além da lei que prevê os deveres do estabelecimento comercial e os direitos do tutor do animal de estimação, em inúmeras oportunidades que a questão foi levada ao Poder Judiciário, de acordo com Hajaj. “As clínicas e creches foram condenadas ao pagamento de indenização por danos morais, por conta do sofrimento que os tutores e até o animal sofreu, e danos materiais, consistente no reembolso de valores gastos com o tratamento e, no caso de óbito, até com o ressarcimento do valor pago para adquirir o pet”, esclarece o advogado Daniel Romano Hajaj.

“Obviamente, nenhum valor financeiro trará aos tutores a paz e alegria de ver seu pet bem, saudável, mas não pode a clínica ou creche se eximir de suas responsabilidades”, enfatiza o advogado Daniel Romano Hajaj.

O advogado Daniel Romano Hajaj salienta que é essencial exigir da clínica ou creche um acesso on line para ver seu pet. “Não sendo possível, envio periódico de vídeos e fotos para apurar-se o estado atual de seu pet”, completa.

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